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Intralase is a specialized femtosecond laser used for creating the corneal flap in flap-based procedures like LASIK. It is completely different than the excimer laser used in LASIK for reshaping the cornea. In some instances, both the femtosecond and excimer LASERs are combined to perform the LASIK procedure. This is referred to as IntraLASIK.

Intralase is used to create a flap when the surgeon and/or the patient do not desire to use a blade to create the LASIK flap. While it is true that Intralase is more precise at creating corneal flaps of specified thicknesses, not all research indicates that it is any safer than flaps created with a blade. You and your doctor can discuss the option of incorporating Intralase technology into your LASIK procedure. Call the Texas Vision & Laser Center today for a consultation.

For more information on Intralase, please visit their official website at:


Lasik at McKinney, Texas

Are you tired of the constant struggle with glasses or contact lenses? At Texas Vision & Laser Center, we're all about bringing your world into focus.

Cataracts Surgery At McKinney, Texas

Are you experiencing blurry vision or difficulty seeing at night? Perhaps vibrant colors don't seem as bright as they used to? We can perform cataract surgery to restore it.

The Texas Vision & Laser Center Difference

Choosing the right eye care center is a critical decision, That's why at Texas Vision & Laser Center, we're a community dedicated to optimal eye health.